Changing Your Belief System & Identity Around Health in Peak Performance Life
In This Episode:
[00:15] We are releasing a book later this year and I’m sharing the first chapter!
[02:27] I’m sharing the introduction to my new book.
[04:09] The exact visualization I practice every day that has changed my life.
[05:21] Learn the most important questions I’ve ever been asked.
[06:57] To effect change in our lives we have to change our identity.
[09:37] For many it only takes the offer to slip off the path, but if your identity is that you do or don’t do something, your choices become no brainers.
[10:44] How do you change your health identity?
[11:38] Hear limiting beliefs that you’ve likely heard other people say.
[12:44] Once we change our beliefs we change our identities which then leads to change in health.
[13:34] Learn one thing you can do to start making changes today.
[15:06] We rarely realize how external factors impact our belief systems and behavior.
[17:10] Those in the most pain are incentivized to make the most dramatic changes.
[19:35] Your choices determine how hard or easy your life will be.
[21:58] Nothing tastes as good as health feels.
[22:41] Hear the chapter 1 action steps you can take to change your life and health.
[25:46] You are what you consume. If you want to be healthy, listen and read things that are all about health.
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