EPI 65: Mark Divine - Top Navy Seal "Honor Man" Teaches You How To Breathe, Control And Quiet Your Mind, Meditate, Lead With Purpose, Win The Day, And Discover If You Are On Your True Hero's Journey Or A "False" Journey
Show notes:
[2:40] From accounting to martial arts
[19:43] Realizing his false journey and how he got on the real one
[28:50] Lessons of leadership in the navy
[34:07] What made the difference between his team and others?
[39:41] On having SEALFIT
[44:34] The concept of box breathing and how to do it
[59:23] Where to find Mark
[1:02:23] Outro
Learn more about Mark and what he does at:
Website: https://markdivine.com/ & https://sealfit.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markdivine/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/RealMarkDivine
IG: https://www.instagram.com/realmarkdivine
YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2UsDsqUL6PpKcdNKk-XO1g
Links and Resources:
Peak Performance on Facebook
Peak Performance on Instagram
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