EPI 69: Your Mind Is Stronger Than Your Body! Mindset And Mental Strategies From The Man Who Swam From Africa To Europe. With Ultra Endurance Athlete And Performance Coach Luke Tyburski
Show notes:
[2:22] Luke’s background
[8:28] His extreme 12-day challenge
[11:43] What did he learn after going through what he went through?
[17:56] Being less reactive when something triggers you
[22:00] What are the things he sees that people are struggling with?
[29:18] Focusing on the process you’re on instead of what someone else is doing
[34:19] What’s his tip for people who lack the confidence to take action?
[39:20] Where can people find Luke?
[41:24] Outro
Learn more about Luke:
Website: https://luketyburski.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/luke-tyburski-1b6913b6/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/luke.tyburski.1
IG: https://www.instagram.com/luketyburski/
YT: https://www.youtube.com/user/LukeTyburski
Twitter: https://twitter.com/luketyburski
Links and Resources:
Peak Performance on Facebook
Peak Performance on Instagram
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