The Ingredient That Increased Lifespan By 90% In Rats
In This Episode:
[01:31] Welcome Chris Burres of MyVitalC to discuss prolonging life with this supplement.
[02:45] How did they go about creating a safe version for humans?
[05:31] The material that they were working with in the early years was worth $6k per gram.
[09:26] What were the results of studies and why do we experiment on rats?
[11:22] This material was originally tested to see how toxic it was to rats.
[14:04] The rats lived 90% as long and died with no tumors, but this does not necessarily mean that ESS60 is a cancer treatment.
[18:21] Is it because this molecule is a powerful antioxidant that it prolongs life?
[21:52] Chris refers back to Dr. Gundry and his studies into olive oil.
[23:42] Why olive oil is one of the best to use with ESS60.
[26:06] The testimonials vary to the extremes. Hear how.
[29:15] Every testimonial that is shared is one that either Chris has experienced or someone he knows has had and he can put you in contact with.
[32:05] ESS60 will provide consistently better sleep.
[34:33] When should you take this supplement?
[36:10] What else should you know before taking this supplement?
[39:43] How sunlight in the morning impacts your sleep cycles.
[42:16] Get your ESS60 with this code and learn how it helps boost your immune system.
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Dr. Gundry
Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker
Peak Performance Life Code: PEAKESS60