WHAT I EAT AND WHY: A Certified Nutritionist & A Biohacker Share What They Eat Everyday
In This Episode:
[00:02:35] Welcome back. It’s time to dive deep into nutrition with Jason Sani.
[00:04:50] Talor shares an Indian proverb about health and how appropriate it is with the nutrition talk.
[00:07:52] “Nothing tastes as good as health feels.” - Tony Robbins
[00:08:45] As you stop ingesting sugar your taste buds change and your cravings subside.
[00:13:12] Why changing your identity around food helps curb your cravings too.
[00:19:22] Jason’s absolute no-no’s are hydrogenated oils and high-fructose corn syrup.
[00:21:44] Any tips for eating fried food? (Hint: just don’t eat it)
[00:23:45] Quick healthy replacements for fried foods.
[00:27:59] What does Jason recommend to replace vegetable oils while cooking?
[00:29:59] How does cooking with high heat affect the food you’re cooking?
[00:32:02] Consider steam frying versus stir-frying.
[00:33:16] Create a framework of foods to support your diet and then find different ways to consume them. Jason shares his framework.
[00:37:16] Jason reveals his typical food choices on an average day.
[00:39:21] His first meal is usually in the form of a smoothie.
[00:41:38] Lunch is a plate or bowl type of meal.
[00:42:26] Dinner is another plate or bowl type of meal but with a different protein and a variety of vegetables and possibly some rice.
[00:46:36] Jason has around three options for each meal so that he doesn’t get tired of his foods.
[00:48:16] Talor shares his “no-no’s” and meal go-to’s.
[00:51:39] Coffee with grass-fed butter and MCT oil start off the day for Talor.
[00:54:18] Learn why avocado is a staple of Talor’s diet.
[00:57:23] Your diet should reflect your goals and your activity levels.
[00:59:18] Dinner is where Talor gets the bulk of his protein and carbohydrates.
[01:01:56] Do what works for you, but take the time to note what you eat.
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Making Healthy Taste Good by Jason Sani
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